Argus can monitor various systems and parameters on other servers via an agent
The agent can gather all sorts of information on all sorts of subsystems on all sorts of Operating Systems. Except for yours. It works for most people, but for you, you might need to play around a bit. Just sayin’.
Somewhere at the top of your config, tell argus what port you configured the agent to use (164 in the example above):
agent_port: 164
In your argus config, you also need to specify the darp parameters (the agent uses the same pki for security):
# what is the name of the local instance? darp_name argus1 # the root cerificate darp_root /etc/ssl/cert/argus-root.crt # the keypair for this server darp_cert /etc/ssl/cert/argus1.crt darp_key /etc/ssl/cert/argus1.key
Configure things to monitor. You can use all of the usual minvalue, maxvalue, graphing, etc. parameters just as any other service.
Host "" { Service Agent/load { maxvalue: 0.5 } Service Agent/disk { arg: /home maxvalue: 80 } Service Agent/netin { arg: eth0 maxvalue: 10000000 } }
The particular things that can be remotely monitored can easily be extended. See the 004_agent file in the examples directory.
copy the appropriate argusd binary to the remote system
start argusd in remote agent mode. you need to specify the location of the argus root cert, and port number
argusd -a 164 -A /etc/certs/argus_root.crt