DARP is an advanced feature. If you are just starting out with argus, it is recommended that you skip this section.
The syntax for configuring DARP changed in version 5.0
For increased reliability, some people may want to have multiple Argus servers monitoring their network. There are several reasons you may want to do this, and Argus DARP has several modes of operation:
Mix-and-match, combinations, and variations on the above are also possible
Each Argus server participating in DARP must be given a unique name (or tag) to identify it to the other servers. You can use the hostname of the server, or you can pick other names. In the examples below we will use ‘master1’, ‘slave1’, and ‘slave2’.
Each server must configure itself in its argus.conf:
darp_name master1 darp_root /etc/argus/cert/Argus_Root.crt darp_key /etc/argus/cert/argus1.key darp_cert /etc/argus/cert/argus1.crt
All servers must use the same root cert, and should have its own private key + cert. The private keys should be kept private.
Each server must configure the other servers in its monitoring config:
Darp "master1" { type: master hostname: server1.example.com port: 8090 } Darp "slave1" { type: slave hostname: server2.example.com port: 8091 fetch_config: master1 } Darp "slave2" { type: slave hostname: server3.example.com port: 8091 fetch_config: master1 }
In a typical configuration, identical darp configs can be used on all of servers. If placed in a seperate file (eg. 003_darp) it can simply be copied.
The master can also monitor the status of its slave connections as normal Service monitors:
Group "Darp Slaves" { Service DARP/WATCH/slave1 Service DARP/WATCH/slave2 }