Argus Conf

This file is passed to argus on the command line argusd -c /path/argus.conf and controls various aspects of argus itself. In prior versions of argus, many of these parameters were specified some other way.

The file consists of parameters and values, and may contain comments by using ‘#’: All parameters have default values and may be ommited.

# send messages to syslog (highly recommended)
syslog           local1

# where can argus find things?

# control socket for argusctl
# NB. if you set this, you will also need to tell argusctl
control_socket  /var/run/argus.ctl

# location of the monitoring config (file or directory)
monitor_config  /home/argus/config

# data directory - argus will write data here
datadir         /home/argus/data

# location of installed files for the web interface
htdir           /home/argus/htdir

# what ports should argus use?
port_http       8080
port_https      8443
port_test       8088

# use https? (recommeneded)
tls_cert            /etc/ssl/cert/example.crt
tls_key             /etc/ssl/cert/example.key

# configure the dns resolver
# if these are not configured,
# argus will use /etc/resolv.conf
# you may include these multiple times

# control argus maximum threads
# the defaults should be good for typical small
# to medium sized installations
# how many dns resolver threads to run
resolv_maxrun   2

# how many ping threads
ping_maxrun     10

# how many monitoring threads
mon_maxrun  100

# if we are going to run a distributed network of argus servers
# what is the name of the local instance?
# every server must have a unique name, the hostname will be
#  fine, but logical names may simplify the monitoring configs
darp_name       argus1

# all argus-to-argus communication (both darp + remote agent) is
# encrypted + authenticated using pki
# see the darp + remote agent docs for details

# the root cerificate
darp_root       /etc/ssl/cert/argus-root.crt

# the keypair for this server
darp_cert       /etc/ssl/cert/argus1.crt
darp_key        /etc/ssl/cert/argus1.key

# if argus has runtime problems - errors can be emailed to
#  an admin. this is highly recommended

# enable development mode - will run slower and crash more
# do not enable unless you are doing development on argus
devmode          yes

# enable various internal debugging
# - see source code for settings
# debug resolv
# debug configure
# debug all